
Showing posts from July, 2019

A Note from a Chinese Prisoner ended up in a Walmart Purse

I magine that in prison you work a job for 20 cents an hour. This is the going rate labor for US prisons and it’s even lower in Chinese Prisons. Today we investigate one such Chinese prison and the story of  How a Note From A Chinese Prisoner Ended Up In A Walmart Purse. Walmart - If you’re like most Americans, then at one point or another you’ve shopped here. It is, after all, the world’s largest retailer. Though obviously well-known, Walmart has had their share of good and bad publicity. It has been accused multiple times of supporting forced labor and of incorrectly labeling its merchandise made in other locations as having been produced locally. It all began in March of 2017. A few months prior Christel Wallace, a resident of Arizona had purchased a maroon purse with shiny accented detailing from a local Walmart. However, it wasn’t until March when she finally opened up a pocket to place a key inside and found that surprisingly, i